In Nepal, we estimate that there are over 100,000 children working in hazardous situations.

These children are extremely vulnerable and often suffer from physical, emotional and sexual abuse. We rescue children, keep them safe and reunite them with their families. Child Rescue Nepal has rescued and rehabilitated over 950 children but our work is far from over. We want to end child trafficking in Nepal and we won’t stop until every child is free.

Children being rescued in Nepal

Traffickers Expose Children To

Physical Exploitation


Missed Education


Poor Health


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Child Rescue Nepal is one of a small handful of charities that physically rescue children from traffickers in Nepal.

With more people globally exploited for hard labour than at any other point in history, we know our work is desperately needed. Child Rescue Nepal is on the ground, removing children from factories, restaurants, hotels and construction sites where they are held captive. We take the children to our safe house and provide them with medical care and counselling. The next step is tracing their families and safely reuniting them, providing ongoing support where necessary.


So far we have rescued over 950 children and reunited the majority of those children with their families. We have also prevented 60,000 children from being trafficked through our education programmes. But there are thousands more who need our help.

2023 Achievements

  • 20 children rescued from metal factories, restaurants and hotels
  • 30 children reunited with their families
  • 26 young people supported in vocational training and higher education
  • 1,433 children kept safe in school by receiving educational bursaries
  • Funded 1 library and 2 bright and breezy pre-school classrooms to keep children in school
  • Trained 41 teachers in child-centred teaching methods
  • Provided 2,049 hygiene kits to keep children safe and healthy
  • Delivered anti-trafficking workshops to 1,600 parents
  • Funded 11 new sets of taps for rural schools
  • Built 4 new toilet blocks with boys and girls separated
  • Started building 4 new classrooms

Conditions in Nepal mean that children living there are at particular risk of being trafficked.

As one of the world’s poorest countries, a fifth of Nepalis are living in poverty [1]. The developing economy is heavily reliant upon agriculture and tourism making Nepal particularly vulnerable to events such as the devastating earthquake of 2015, which claimed 9,000 lives and destroyed 500,000 homes and livelihoods all over the country [2].

In addition to this, it is common in Nepal for children to begin working at a relatively young age to boost their family incomes. These factors combine to make Nepali children easy prey for traffickers, or families simply looking to improve their incomes and not realising the danger that they are sending their children into.

Click to view [1] CIA World Fact Book

Click to view [2] Nepal Earthquake Fact Sheet No 20

Help us in other ways

Every purchase of one of our products helps raise money for the children of Nepal.

Virtual Gifts

Child Rescue Nepal virtual gifts allow you to change the life of a child in Nepal. You can purchase these gifts on behalf of your friends and family to celebrate birthdays, Christmas or any other special occasion. When you purchase a virtual gift, we will send your loved ones a personalised card and gift certificate with information about their gift either through the post or via email. Every gift purchased will go straight towards helping us to end child labour in Nepal.

Once you’ve placed your order, please email with details of the recipient and a personal message if you would like to include one.

Physical Gifts

Nepal Fact File

    • Population: 30.1 million
    • Population in poverty: 20%
    • GDP per capita: $5,032 (41st poorest country in the world)
    • Ethnic groups and languages: over 125
    • Living in rural areas: 79%
    • Thousands of deaths from Covid-19 and many more unreported
    • People living in modern day slavery: over 200,000
    • 33% of girls are married before the age of 18 and 8% before the age of 15
    • Earthquake in 2015 killed 9,000 and injured 22,000


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