23 Mar We are thinking of you
We wanted to say that during this time of great uncertainty we are thinking of you. You mean so much to us and we are deeply grateful for your support. We would like to return that support to you as best we can.
It’s understandable that many of us feel anxious at times like this. We have heard or read the statistics and naturally we are all concerned for our loved ones.
If anyone is feeling alone or worried and would like to chat, then please do get in touch. We are not trained counsellors, but we are available to talk – even it it’s just about the daffodils in the garden or the availability of toilet rolls.
If you would like to speak to either myself or Alicia, then please do call our office and leave a message on 020 7183 0353 and one of us will call you back (we are able to receive voicemail messages by email). Please remember to speak clearly and leave your name and contact number. Alternatively drop us an email with your name and phone number.
What’s happening in Nepal?
Our first priority are the children in our direct care. The outbreak of the virus coincides with the end of the school year, and so there is a natural break anyway. Some children will be able to back to their families during this period. If it is safe for this to happen, then we will facilitate this. The remaining children will continue to be cared for in our care homes.
For the time being we have regrettably had to halt our rescues. We will review this decision after two months. We already have six recently-rescued children in the transit home who need our immediate support and attention.
Temporarily cease anti-trafficking work in schools. With schools being closed, this work is no longer possible. We will review the situation in line with official advice from the Nepal government.
I am in regular contact with our Country Director, Jamuna Shrestha, to monitor the situation of children and staff.
The situation in London
Jo and Alica are now working from home, with virtual meetings every morning to keep in touch and support each other. We are making sure that we are staying connected with friends and family by phone and FaceTime.
What can you do?
We imagine that many of you are now self-isolating at home, or limiting your movements. We’ve found a few sites that you might find useful and interesting.
We all know that exercise is good for the body and good for the mind. Here are some exercises you can do from the comfort of your front room: exercises
Feeling worried? It’s ok to feel anxious in times of uncertainty. Here’s some ways to look after your mental health: look after yourself
Working from home? There are all kinds of extra challenges to think about whilst adjusting to a new way of working. Here are a few things to consider: Being productive at home
How about taking a virtual tour that gallery you’ve always wanted to visit?
National Gallery
Tate Galleries
And finally….who wouldn’t want to see some Koalas or Giraffes? Check out these zoo webcams: Zoocams
Don’t forget – we are here for you
Let me end by reminding you that we are here for you. If you wish to talk or to connect with someone at this time, please call us on 020 7183 0353 or email us at info@childresuenepal.org.
Sending all our love to you and your loved ones at this time.