21 Nov Three children brought to safety
We are very pleased to share the news that we have just rescued three siblings, aged 13, 11 and 9. The eldest girl was working in a small vegetable shop, and tragically she told us her story:
“I have been roaming the streets for six months and begging from relatives to survive, because my father is abusive and I am scared of him. He always bites me and tries to abuse me physically. I feel safer on the streets than at home.”
The rescued siblings (two girls and a boy) come from a community in western Nepal that is socially discriminated against. Three years ago, their mother left to work abroad to make their lives better, but sadly ended up being trafficked to India. She was recently rescued by our partner, Shakti Samuha, and is now living at their safe home. When she told them that she had three children, they started their search.
They found 13-year-old Nisha (name changed) at a vegetable shop. Apparently she used to be an excellent student at school, but since her mother left, she dropped out of school and started working. When we met her, she grabbed our representatives tightly and started crying, saying: “I have a request for you. If you can’t take all three of us then please at least take my younger sister and save her from what we have been facing. I fear that she will go into depression soon as she has been fainting many times due to the condition of our home and the behaviour of my father.”
When our staff reached the family home, the rescue team found that the two younger children were dependent on their neighbours for food. Even their school uniforms were provided for by neighbours. After reporting the case to the police and local authorities, it was decided that all three children should be rescued immediately and reunited with their mother at the safe home. Local authorities also referred the father for a psychological check up.
All three children were brought to Kathmandu, where they had a very emotional reunion with their mother. We are caring for them at our safe home, Marigold House, where they have told their mother they now “feel safe”. We hope they will all return to school in due course. Staff believe that the youngest girl has experienced the worst trauma, and she has already fainted a number of times. She is being checked medically and closely monitored, and will receive counselling in due course. The youngest child, a boy, is very active and has been entertaining everyone with his gymnastics. He will be moved to a home for boys after the festival season is over.
In the long term, we hope to support the three siblings and their mother to live independently together. But for now, they can finally relax and sleep peacefully at night, knowing that they are safe from harm.
It is thanks to your generous donations – particularly from our recent Radio 4 Appeal – that we are able to undertake rescues like these, so thank you ever so much.
Joanna Bega
Chief Executive