Rescue Success!

Rescued boy

Rescue Success!

We are very pleased to share the news that this morning we were able to rescue three boys and bring them to safety. One boy (aged 14) was rescued from a metal factory and two boys (aged 13 and 14) were rescued from a hotel.

The rescue mission was undertaken by our staff team, with support from the local police, municipality representatives and members of the Children’s Homes Federation of Nepal.

The boy who was rescued from the metal factory was found hiding in a room. The owners had received a tip-off and had held him off working for the day – but we were persistent and manged to find him. We have since found out that this boy is an orphan and has an older brother who is paralysed. We are not sure how he came to be working in that dangerous factory, and we hope we may be able to trace other relatives in time. He had cuts and bruises from his work.

Thank you so much to those who spontaneously donated in response to our last rescue. We are indebted to all who financially support our work as we simply couldn’t undertake these rescues without you.